Some of you may or may not have been following this story, but two weeks ago Sheldon Adelson paid $140,000,000 cash for the Review Journal, Las Vegas' largest newspaper. He also tried to keep this a secret, but word got out pretty fast. The night of the Republican Debate, which was held at his casino (The Venetian), as the rumors were swirling that the secret buyer was Shelly, he went on record saying "I have no personal interest in the Review Journal"... The next day it came out that it was in fact him.

The Review Journal has been a pretty middle of the road publication, leaning a little to the left, but now they will obv be the Fox News of Nevada publications.

It was pretty comical at first as the editor and reporters spoke out against it, and how they would continue to report the truth and keep the integrity of the paper on the up and up... There was even a pretty damning story against Adelson about how a month ago 3 reporters from the RJ were asked for no reason whatsoever, in a move that made no sense to anyone, to investigate a judge... A judge that just so happened to be overseeing a big lawsuit against, you guessed it... Sheldon Adelson.

Well, today this happened...


So, he is obv making a big push to swing Nevada to the right for this election. If you can't beat em', buy em'.