99.9 % correct . I shipped a baseball that was claimed not as described . I won , but it took 2 weeks and about a dozen ebay representatives before i found someone who even knew how many outs in an inning . The appeals department is in the usa ... which is how i finally found a person who agreed with what was obviously someone abusing the returns process .

Anything over $ 4-500 I video the packaging and hand off in the post office which the usps employees are not fond of ...( NO VIDEO IN POST OFFICE !! BS ) but whatever i have to protect myself . If i get a return , which almost never happens thankfully , I do the same ... video the opening of the box with the employee there just in case of the wrong item being shipped back .

I'm pretty sure boxes are weighed at some point in the delivery process so I think shipping an empty box is hard to get away with .

Ebay went to shit starting with not being able to leave feedback for buyers . They can do almost anything and get away with it .