
Type: Posts; User: Ryback_feed_me_more

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  1. Replies

    Blockhead. Most people, including those in the...

    Most people, including those in the public eye do not want their last days publicized. It’s a time for family and friends.
    Nothing more needs saying.
    Chances are cancer will take you...
  2. honestly its crazy how people love to chirp over...

    Ahh the dirty secret people don’t know that DOE technically owns our nuclear stockpile and that DOE are the ones who actually run the NEST Teams and work with DIA regarding other countries nuclear...
  3. Replies

    Stop posting altogether, go back an try for your...

    Fuck off Leslie you alcoholic mentally addled shitstain. Didn’t even proof your own shitposting did we “an try for your grade ten” WTF dude I assume your making some reference to school in Canada...
  4. Replies

    As Bruce Buffer would say….

    ITS TIME.. at Noon today Tuesday 5-28-24. Shuffle and deal will be the order of the day as the 2024 WSOP gets under way with the $5k Champions reunion and the Casino Employees event.
  5. Replies

    I have zero use for the current iteration of the...

    The news about him having cancer I think had to be a well kept secret or how sick he was at least however there was a major hint the other night (Saturday night). At the end of the PAC-12 baseball...
  6. The Doug Polk/Farmers Branch topic was one of...

    Agreed truth is there really were no Einsteins at that hearing including Doug. He came across as some carnival barker snake oil guy. Meanwhile, the local folks some of who were speaking and weren’t...
  7. The whole April banging the lawyer might be...

    The whole April banging the lawyer might be easily explainable. Could be a MFF thruple thing going on especially if both the wife and April were bisexual. A lot of that shit goes on nobody knows...
  8. There has long been a debate as to whether or not...

    Is it me or did we just miss it. I don’t recall any teachers were this hot when we were in school. Only teacher I thought was doable was my 9th grade math teacher for Algebra the rest were as old if...
  9. apropos our system of injustice. ...

    Typical corrupt 2 tier justice system. If this was a GOP DA they would’ve gotten years. What this bitch did was so much worse then even Cohen and not one damn day in prison. wtf.
  10. Replies

    So we end up a with a doggy Einstein, no pun...

    To be fair Bidens dogs have bitten countless people due to sheer lack of training and if they weren’t his dogs would’ve gotten the rainbow shot and sent to the ash pile.
  11. Replies

    Anybody?? USA?? It us to come. Everywhere...

    Leslie I’m seriously concerned your losing your mind slowly. The shit posting of yours is getting bad that it’s almost as rambling and asinine as Biden out in public.
  12. Lying exposed. Too much unwanted and unnecessary...

    Oh for fucks sake Leslie go shove a bottle of 151 up your ass and give yourself an enema.

    They gotta do something shady as fuck to offset the population losses in places like Cali and NY which is costing them seats in Congress but also damages their power in the Electoral college.
  14. Check out the comments, i'll post a few. Can...

    Did you forget viewbotting is a thing. Also if you’ve spent any time on X you know there’s a ton of paid DNC shills on that platform many well know like Harry Sisson. Brokeass Dad Defiant who is a...
  15. Replies

    This is the trash that is attracted by Trump. ...

    Roflmao. Trump up 12 now in recent polls hell he’s up by 1 in blue Washington State. Youre delusional drunk or both.
  16. On a serious note Tine have any good fishing stories lately??

    I oddly used to like those stories so much more compelling vs some of the other stuff you post.
  17. Replies

    Tine is gonna go to his grave swearing BTC is...

    Tine is gonna go to his grave swearing BTC is gonna implode arrive at the pearly gates and be sent to hell for stupidity alone because he refused to renounce his hate of crypto
  18. 0% chance you will ever see a dime. I am not sure...

    0% chance you will ever see a dime. I am not sure why you even think about this any longer. The legal system does not care about petty poker grievances, I am not sure why you think otherwise.[/QUOTE]...
  19. Honestly the biggest news here is that a WNBA...

    Maybe that’s the problem Dan. Maybe she’s not in fact straight and she thought he’d be ok with her switch hitting and expect him to be totally faithful while she was messing with a woman on the side.
  20. sigh newflash--due to multiple incidents of...

    newflash--due to multiple incidents of violence in the workplace I am not allowed to seek employment by the govt/justice system. Yes I have the paperwork to prove that. Im low income and thats...
  21. So this is a ways away still but Im trying to get...

    Not trying to hate on you dude but if you’re living below the poverty line you might wanna reconsider your work choices. If you ain’t making the cash to live then ya gotta reconsider shit.
  22. amazing, republicans are so bad at geography they...

    amazing, republicans are so bad at geography they named the river after the wrong state.[/QUOTE]


    You do realize the Mississippi River runs through a ton of states, right? And also,...

    Ok Tine this troll is kinda funny. But who was the GOP in charge in MD when the FSK bridge came down?? Kills the arguement kinda.

    Also you didn’t read the article properly. This happened in...
  24. Guess nobody cares Louis Gossett Jr is DD

    Expected somebody to post an Obit already about the dude but nada.

    He was a hell of an actor. Most famous for Officer and a Gentleman (He won an Oscar for his efforts as Best Supporting Actor),...
  25. Best to not make to many enemies. making...

    Best to not make to many enemies.[/QUOTE]

    making enemies of scammers fuck that.. They deserve to be exposed truthfully. The pig butchering scams are rapidly growing. Alot of them all seem to focus...
Results 1 to 25 of 1511
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